TRIZ & Creativity Methods

During my M.b.A. Master Thesis I did research on TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solution, sometimes also abbreviated as TIPS) and on further creativity methods. This was the basis for the development of a tool supporting the process of business idea creation at the Siemens Incubator in Berkeley, California.

About TRIZ: TRIZ was created by the Russian engineer Genrich Altshuller. G. Altshuller worked in a patent office. Analyzing thousands of patents he developed the concept of the technical contradiction, innovation theories associated with this concept (e.g. the 5 basic levels of invention or the 8 patterns of evolution) and creativity methods (e.g. ARIZ). Those describe how to trigger the process of creativity and how to develop new and inventive ideas utilizing structure and methods. He found that the majority of the patents addressed a technical problem and solved a contradiction of only 2 (in some cases more) so-called engineering parameters such as weight, length, speed, pressure, stability of the object's composition. E.g., a patent solved the contradiction that the pressure on an object could be raised and the composition remained stable without increasing the volume or the weight of the object. In total he identified not more than 39 of those engineering parameters. In addition, he extracted only 40 so-called inventive principles, which explained the generic ideas behind the patents. Finally, he allocated the most widely used inventive principles to combinations of engineering parameters in a so-called contradiction matrix. As a result, if your technical problem can be described as a contradiction of engineering parameters, the contradiction matrix will help you with suggestions regarding examples and inventive principles, which worked in other cases.

At the Siemens Incubator, we captured various technological innovations and new business concepts, which seemed to have at least some relevance for the Siemens businesses or the ideas developed in Berkeley. Amongst other factors, the engineering parameters logic was used for the documentation of those innovations and concepts. The TRIZ approach and other creativity methods, combined with some business logic, were utilized to propose new combinations of ideas, which led to innovative business ideas and to inventive solutions to existing technological issues.

For more information, please contact me.

Fractals and Deterministic Chaos Theory

During my Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Master Thesis and at High School I did research on the Deterministic Chaos Theory and on Fractals. My Electrical Engineering thesis analyzed anonymized data of clinical patients suffering with epilepsy and utilized Fractal formulas in order to evaluate the prediction of an epileptic seizure.


Besides the interesting use-cases of Chaos Theory, pictures can be calculated to represent the formulas, which appear similar to biological structures and are simply beautiful in my opinion. Here are some examples of these images of Fractals, Mandelbrot- ("apple-man") & Julia-sets, created during this time:

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